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Communauté des fans de films de super-héros.

Bandes-annonces de Superman et Wolverine avec le Hobbit en décembre (18)

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    Darren écrivait il y a 12 années

    Une année 2013 intéressante!

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    NiradZedjati écrivait il y a 12 années

    Pas de trailer pour Wolvie avant The Hobbit :

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    NiradZedjati écrivait il y a 12 années

    Snyder confirme que le trailer accompagnera The Hobbit :

    "It's fun. I can't wait for 'The Hobbit,' so it will be fun to see our crazy 'Man of Steel' trailer and then enjoy the Hobbit because that's going to be great. It just feels like a fun Christmas thing to do, drag the whole family out for that action."

    Et encense Michael Shannon :

    "Shannon is great, he has such great enthusiasm and dedication constantly. You can imagine that you could get actors who go, 'Oh right, it's Zod, it's not 100 percent serious,' or [you can play it] slightly with a wink, there is none of that with him. His effort is to make it realized and to understand this character and what he has to go through, so you have that on one side and you have Henry, who basically is Superman, on the other side and that dynamic."


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